The Challenge Called NaBloPoMo !

It was just by a lucky chance that I got attracted by Hot off the press article by Michelle W. ; ‘The NaMos are Coming! The NaMos are Coming!’ NaMo essentially meant  NaNoWriMo and NaBloPoMo , which stand for National novel writing month and National blog posting month respectively. My initial desire was to participate in the novel writing challenge. Could there be anything better than being able to complete a novel in a month ? Sure enough, but many experts warned that editing the novel could become a daunting task later on. The idea for my novel is very clear in my mind but i don’t want it to be a hurriedly churned out work. Having said this ,I just could not let ‘november’ pass by without doing anything substantial. It was with these thoughts that I zeroed in to take up the challenge called NaBloPoMo ! The challenge in which we are to commit to making a post everyday- however busy you may be. 

In part this page I am dedicating to this challenge is also prompted by the NaBloPoMo November 2014 Prompts’ for day 6 i.e.

Do you consider yourself a “professional” blogger? Why or why not? What does that mean to you?

Ah well, I don’t see myself as a professional blogger yet, but yes i am learning ,and I guess I am learning fast.The real challenge for me lies in the fact that I want my writing to be taken seriously and so would hate to post anything which is not up to the mark. I am immensely thankful for the favourable and positive response that I am getting so far from fellow bloggers and readers.As for what is professional blogger? i am not so sure. Haha! perhaps it means someone who is able to earn some bucks other than accolades from their writing (besides their day job)!